Welcome to the World, South Sudan

On July 9, 2011, planet Earth welcomed its newest country. Having declared independence after a decades-long civil war, South Sudan is a newborn nation full of promise.  South Sudan is the 193rd player in the United Nations playground, its 6-year old government is learning to run, and its even starting to tweet from @RepSouthSudan!

Up until now, moms in Onura village have been dying in childbirth because the midwives delivering babies lacked simple sterile supplies. What better way to celebrate the birth of a nation than to ensure safe deliveries for moms and babies in South Sudan?

Let’s rally this week and throw a baby shower for South Sudan’s Onura clinic. No silly games or gift wrap necessary for this party; just simple supplies that will save lives. What gift will you give?

Whatever you give will go a long way. Thank you for your generosity in helping the Onura women  in South Sudan.
