Loan a Mom Money to Start a Second Business

At 37 years of age, Grace is taking care of a large family. She has four children of her own, and she also cares for three children from her brother’s first wife and two from his brother-in-law. The children are still in school and depend on Grace to provide them with food, shelter, and school fees. She hopes to build a permanent house for her family and see all the children in her care through a university-level education.

To make money to provide for her family and pay school fees, she’s been trying to earn money sewing, which gives her a poor return. To boost her income, she recently started selling soya pieces, plastic bags, tea leaves, salt, sugar, dried bean, milk, cooking oil, and other groceries.

Grace will invest her loan capital into soya pieces, plastic bags, tea leaves, sugar, maize flour, rice, and groceries to enable her to run her two businesses and make a huge profit to repay her loan on time.
