Emmy Amanya

Age: 6
Gender: Male
Location: Bulonde, Wakiso district, Uganda

Personal Information

Emmy Amanya is a South Sudanese refugee who is living in extreme poverty in Bolunde slum, in the outskirt of Kampala, Uganda. As a poor boy, he does not have essential things, such as playing toys, a bed, shoes, a bed, bed-sheets, eateries, and has almost no clothes. He needs your love and support so he can go to a day school and avoid hunger.

Emmy, his mother, two siblings, and a grandmother are living in Bulonde slum, in the outskirt of Kampala, Uganda, when his family fled to Uganda at an age when he was 3 – year – old. Emmy’s mother is uneducated and; no company had offered her work after she applied for several jobs. As a volunteer refugee, her request never approved. Emmy’s grandmother has no source of income, and she cannot speak English, to work in Uganda. To meet the rising cost of livings, Emmy’s mother does odd jobs; her income is too little, to fund house rent, food, and medical care, let alone the fees, and her children are not in school.

In Uganda, parents or guardians must pay school fees to fund school buildings, books, writing materials, school meals, and uniforms. Emmy is a brilliant little boy. He needs your love and support so that he can go to a day school to escape a cycle of poverty. Your monthly support will pay his school fees; provide him with food, clothes, and medical care; and prevent him from starvation.

By sponsoring a refugee child, you will join more than 3000 donors who believe children should be released from poverty in Education. Start your sponsorship story today by sending this child to school now!



Sponsor Emmy Amanya

Sponsor for $35 monthly