Our Latest Blog Posts

May News: A right Attitude For Success
In dense slums and busy streets of Banda - Uganda, throngs of men and women struggle to earn a few Ugandan Shilling in any way they can. Some beg. Some sell hidden goods from Kenya at dirt-cheap prices. Others turn scraps of wood into charcoal, breathing harmful smoke into their lungs while laboring over the fire. Most entrepreneurial families run small income … Read More

Our hearts go to South Sudanese Refugee children stranded in Kampala and has no possibility to study due to poverty. Please consider giving $35 to send a child to a boarding school in Uganda for 30 days - through our tax deductible partner GlobalGiving. Your donation will combine with other gifts to make a tremendous impact! <Send A child to school for a … Read More

Our Clients Hugely Happy
HO grants a tailor-made loan product to serve the need of economically- active returnees who are not served by the banks because of lack of collateral security. We believe the entrepreneurs who lack enough capital to start or expand existing trade should be given a chance to success. Our goal is to give them money to engage in income generating activity. We do … Read More
Fund an Urgently Needed Project

Educate Children and Fight Poverty
Our Mairo Primary School Project will give hope to war orphans and vulnerable children in Omilling village. When the remote community has its own school, children will no longer have to trek eight hours round trip on foot to … Read More

Stop Childbirth from Being a Death Sentence
Hope Ofiriha's Onura Maternal Survival Project will save the lives of hundreds of mothers and babies. The project will fund the supplies midwives need to deliver babies safely. It also will train midwives to deal with … Read More

Provide a Village with Drinking Water
Bringing drinking water to a remote mountain settlement will save children's lives and keep girls in school. It also will free up women's time, enabling them to pursue new opportunities and improve their families’ … Read More