The Appeal

HOPE OFIRIHA is spreading STAND UP FOR AFRICANMOTHERS appeal because it has similar purpose to Stop South Sudanese Moms From Dying In Childbirth project.

AMREF nominated HOPE OFIRIHA to distribute this petition to Global audiences to help elect an African midwife for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015! Sign the petition now!

We want to believe in a future where African women have access to care during pregnancy and childbirth. A future where they can decide when to have a child, and even if they wish to have one.

To make this future a reality, we have decided to STAND UP FOR AFRICAN MOTHERS and we support the candidacy of an African midwife to the Nobel Prize in 2015 to draw everyone’s attention to the plight of African mothers and the urgent need for more midwives in Africa.

Help us nominate an African midwife for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015! Sign the petition now!


