Hope Ofiriha has been promoting HIV-AIDS awareness in remote settlements in Omilling countryside – as its contribution to achieve Millennium Development Goal 6; to combat HIV/AIDS. As we commemorate World AIDS Day, and with twenty four months left to 2015, a year by which most countries are expected to meet Millennium Development Goal. Are these goals achievable in South Sudan? Hope Ofiriha is especially interested in goal 4; to reduce child mortality, goal 5; to improve maternal health and goal 6; to combat HIV/AIDS. We… Read More
Today is World AIDS Day
Dec. 1, is World AIDS Day. Theme: Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths. On World AIDS Day, organizations and world leaders hold events to commemorate and raise awareness around the struggles of people suffering from HIV/AIDS. Over the last month, world leaders have been speaking publicly in honor of the day, highlighting the need for not just medical interventions in treatment and prevention but education and awareness too. In her speech to the National Institute of Health, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary… Read More