Mathew Hobbe Has Found a Sponsor!

Mathew Hobbe is a South Sudanese refugee living in extreme poverty in the slum of Kajansjji, an outskirt of Kampala, Uganda. He lacks basic things, such as shoes and a bed with with sheets and blankets and has almost no clothes. Mathew’s father has been unable to find work locally. Mathew, his mother, and his brother live with his grandmother, and his father moved out of the area to work, when he can find it, on construction sites. Mathew’s grandmother and young and uneducated mother have not been able to find any means of earning income. So the family barely gets by on Mathew’s father’s intermittant income.

Child Details

First Name: Mathew Hobbe
Last Name: Achan
Country: Uganda
Lives with: Mother and grandmother
Date of Birth: June 15, 2006
Favorite Activity: Playing football (soccer)
Monthly Sponsorship Amount: 26 EURO/U.S. $35 Per Month (boarding school option)

Personal and Family Information

Mathew will turn 5 this year and should be starting school. His family, however, cannot afford to pay school fees. In Uganda, parents or guardians must pay school fees to fund school buildings, books, writing materials, school meals, and uniforms. Instead, Mathew is spending his days fetching water and doing other odd jobs to help his family survive. When he has some spare time, he loves to sing, draw, and play football (soccer).

Mathew needs your love and support, so he can go to boarding school to escape a lifetime cycle of poverty. He hopes to become a teacher when he grows up. Your monthly support will pay his school fees; provide him with food, clothes, and medical care; and prevent him from having to work petty jobs during school hours to help support his family.

Please pick a donation option in the menu above and then click the “Sponsor This Child” button to become his sponsor right now!
