Thanks to our generous donor, phase one of our school building is now built!
Work has been going on well at Omilling, and the first two classrooms block are nearly finished. With all our projects we are continually learning, and the buildings should be quicker to assemble. We have experienced supplies problem, and the shortages of soil block production due to heavy rain fall, but these problems have been addressed. We are now keeping larger stocks of materials in one of the classrooms. The construction teams have been totally committed, and everyone has worked hard. The water ladies have had to carry water over 2km on their heads as we are waiting for the borehole to be drilled. Our local carpenters will make the desks once the classrooms are finished and is ready to start.
We still need lots of help with funds as we need to continue with the building uninterrupted. As soon as the school is open, there will be tremendous pressure to build the remaining six classrooms.
We are so grateful to our donors, who have been involved with all sorts of activities to raise money for this project, and we hope you are pleased with the initial results.
We still need help to buy 150 bag cements at a cost of $15 each, and any contribution towards corrugated iron sheet of $25 each. If you want to raise funds online for a marathon or any other event in USA or UK, you can easily set up your own fundraising page on Globalgiving.
Thanks you! Thank you! Thanks you Hope Ofiriha donors!