Mother’s Day is May 13th in 80 countries around the world. Mothers give us the courage to dream BIG. So do teachers, neighbors, friends, and mentors. Hope Ofiriha gives you the chance to empower these nurturers to dream big for them-selves and help the future generation realize their potential.
This May, honor someone who nurtured you by giving them a chance to nurture someone else. Here’s why.
Empowering all Women:
Women make up the vast majority of the World’s poor (over 75% of the 1 billion people living in extreme poverty are women and girls), yet mothers are hard at work every day shaping the next generation and striving to build a brighter future. Hope Ofiriha and our client-women have local solutions.
Our client-women bundle loans with maternal health care and education, helping make an even larger impact on a mother’s life. When you give a woman this support, her story changes – and she has the power to change her family’s life too:
- When a woman contributes to her family’s income, 80% goes to supporting and nurturing her children.
- A child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five.
This Mother’s Day – GlobalGiving is giving away up to $500 in bonus awards to the 10 top projects with the most individual donors who make donations in honor of someone else.
Hope Ofiriha needs your help to win this year Mother’s Day challenge award.
This year, we are asking our donors to look beyond the May 13th holiday to help us dedicate all of May to honoring the mothers and nurturers of the world. You can get started by sending Mother’s Day challenge tribute Card to thank someone who nurtured your potential, and in the process help borrowers realize their dreams.
Hope Ofiriha is always looking for new ways to connect donors with our borrowers, and field staff.
We love using Facebook, and Twitter to engage with the community. However, never ones to resist cool new technology, we’ve got a few new ways to help share our stories with the world.