Saterina Lakang became an orphan at 3 years old after her father was killed in an LRA attack in South Sudan. Her mother had died earlier giving birth to her. Today, she lives in extreme poverty with a family friend in Uganda. She is a good student, loves to study English, and has so much potential. Please sponsor Saterina, so she can go to boarding school and escape a lifetime of poverty.
Child Details
First Name: Saterina
Last Name: Lakang
Gender: Female
Country: Uganda
Lives with: Family friend
Date of Birth: August 5, 1996
Favorite Activity: Playing soccer
Monthly Sponsorship Amount: 26 EURO/U.S. $35 Per Month (boarding school option)
Personal and Family Information
After Saterina was orphaned, she moved to Kampala, Uganda, to live with her grandmother. When her grandmother died a few years later, she moved in with a Sudanese family headed by a single mother, mama Martha Ayaa. Mama Martha is barely able to support Saterina and her own seven children selling local breweries. Her hand-to-mouth enterprise doesn’t cover her household’s basic needs, and her own seven children do not go to school due to lack of money. In Uganda, parents or guardians must pay school fees to fund school buildings, books, writing materials, school meals, and uniforms.
Saterina helps in the home by cleaning the house and cooking for her host family. Sometimes she works as a house-girl to buy herself clothes. She dreams of becoming a pilot and flying away to a better life. Your monthly support will pay her school fees; provide her with food, clothes, and medical care; and give her a ticket out of poverty.
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